This page summarizes activities and software packages designed to analyze land cover properties. Please click on the link below to access the respective website for further information:
- GuidosToolbox (GTB): a desktop application with spatial pattern analysis software targeted at image object analysis, generic image processing utilities, exporting raster image overlays to Google Earth, and much more...
- GuidosToolbox Workshops: information on past and planned future seminars or workshops on GuidosToolbox.
- GuidosToolbox Workbench (GWB): a selection of popular GTB image analysis tools setup as command-line scripts for automated mass-processing on Linux servers.
- MSPA: a spatial analysis software to detect and describe the morphometric features of digital image objects.
- AnisView: an educational software to visualize the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF).
- IMPACT Toolbox: offers a combination of remote sensing, photo interpretation and processing technologies in a portable and stand-alone GIS environment, allowing non specialist users to easily accomplish all necessary pre-processing steps while giving a fast and user-friendly environment for visual editing and map validation.
Contact: JRC-FOREST[at]