
Workshop 2018


This workshop addressed technical issues related to the reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals from the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.

The workshop aimed to gather experts from EU Member States to share their experience in the light of any submissions done under Decision 529/2013/EU and under the UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol .

In addition, a full-day session was dedicated to technical issues related to the preparation of Forest Reference Levels (FRLs) in the context of the new post-2020 EU LULUCF Regulation, building on the ongoing work on the FRL technical guidance.


G. Grassi. LULUCF in the EU

G. Grassi. LULUCF under Paris and the EU.

R. Abad. QAQC checks 2018. Outcomes for LULUCF_KP-LULUCF

S. Rossi. Review of the 2018 submissions Decision 529-2013

P. Canaveira. Project LIFE - MediNet.

S. Rossi. Post-it session.

P. Weiss. Soil carbon stock changes in Cropland.

A. Gensior. Planned improvements in Germany Dec529/2013.

B. Mali. Land-use transition matrix for accounting of CM and GM

G. Buys. CM_GM - UK Reporting and Underpinning Research.

G. Grassi. FRL - a science base accounting.pdf

N. Forsell, A.Korosuo. FRL_Preliminary Guidance.

N. Forsell, A.Korosuo. Structure of Techincal Guidance on FRLs.

Schelhaas, Nabuurs & Arets - Management from NFI_modified

E. Thurig. Definition of Swiss CMP for forest reference level.

V. K. Johannsen. FRL few data for a hightly fraqmented forest.

K. Black. Ireland proposed approach to construct a FRL.

R. Matthews. Setting the FRL insights from a trial application to UK