
Workshop 2017


This workshop addressed technical issues related to the reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals from the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.

The workshop aims to gather experts from EU Member States (MS) to share their experience in the light of any submissions done under Decision 529/2013/EU and under the UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol (KP). Specific issues included difficulties in filling the new CRF tables, the UNFCCC land transition matrix, comparability between UNFCCC and KP CRF tables, data for Cropland and Grazing Land management (CM and GM), Forest Management Reference Level (FMRL) and technical corrections, Harvested Wood Products (HWP) and Natural disturbances, etc.


Grassi, G. Introduction

Priwitzer, T; Grassi, G. Overview of 2017 LULUCF in the EU.pdf

Forlin, V. LULUCF reporting in the EU. Decision 529.pdf

Rossi, S. Decision 529_2013. Review of Art.3.2b submissions.pdf

Schmid, C; Weiss, P. Overview of CM-GM according to EU Dec. 529.pdf

Pilli, R. Modelling the forest carbon stock changes with CBM model.pdf

Problem solving_session.pdf

H, Petersson.Challenges when compiling the LULUCF information in Sweden.pdf

B, Mali. Major issues facing Slovenia in LULUCF reporting.pdf

E, Ozdemiri. Improvements on Forest land categories in Turkish NIR.pdf

M, Trivedi; A, Thomson. Developments in the UKs LULUCF inventory.pdf

E, Thurig. Carbon stocks and gains of AR areas based on Swiss NFI data .pdf

R, Hiederer. Estimates of land cover & management from statistical data.pdf
